NG Smith* (Accepted). Opportunities to improve our understanding of the impact of photosynthetic acclimation on terrestrial ecosystem processes under global change. American Journal of Botany.
Yan, Z, M Detto, Z Guo, NG Smith*, H Wang, LP Albert, X Xu, Z Lin, S Liu, Y Zhao, S Chen, TC Bonebrake, and J Wu (In Press). Global photosynthetic capacity jointly determined by enzyme kinetics and eco-evo-environmental drivers. Fundamental Research. link.
McNellis, RE*, N van Gestel, RQ Thomas, and NG Smith* (2024). Winter cover cropping increases albedo and latent heat flux in a Texas High Plains agroecosystem. Ecosphere 15(2): e4753. link.
Luo, X, H Zhou, TW Satriawan, J Tian, R Zhao, TF Keenan, DM Griffith, S Stitch, NG Smith*, and CJ Still (2024). Mapping the global distribution of C4 vegetation using observations and optimality theory. Nature Communications 15: 1219. link.
Ren, Y, H Wang, SP Harrison, IC Prentice, OA Atkin, NG Smith*, G Mengoli, A Stefanski, and PB Reich (2023). Reduced global plant respiration due to the acclimation of leaf dark respiration coupled to photosynthesis. New Phytologist 24(2): 578-591. link.
Keenan, TF, X Luo, BD Stocker, MG DeKauwe, BE Medlyn, IC Prentice, NG Smith*, C Terrer, H Wang, Y Zhang, and S Zhou (2023). A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to rising CO2. Nature Climate Change 13: 1376-1381. link.
McPherson, RA, PA Fay, SG Alvarez, D Bertrand, TL Broadbent, T Bruno, A Fares, B McCullough, GW Moore, B Moorhead, L Patiño, A Petersen, NG Smith*, JL Steiner, A Taylor, and T Warziniack (2023). Ch. 26. Southern Great Plains. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, AR, CW Avery, DR Easterling, KE Kunkel, BC Stewart, and TK Maycock, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA. link.
Parks, AJ, ST Godfrey, BA Gross, SA Balaguera-Reina, NG Smith*, FJ Mazzotti, and LD Densmore III (2023). Not one but two: Examining the genetic origin and characterization of the non-native spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) in Florida. Biological Invasions. link.
Wilfahrt, P, E Seabloom, J Bakker, L Biederman, M Bugalho, M Cadotte, MC Caldeira, J Catford, Q Chen, I Donohue, A Ebeling, N Eisenhauer, S Haider, R Heckman, A Jentsch, S Koerner, K Komatsu, R Laungani, A MacDougall, J Martina, H Martinson, J Moore, Y Niu, T Ohlert, H olde Venterink, D Orr, P Peri, E Pos, J Price, X Raynaud, Z Ren, C Roscher, NG Smith*, C Stevens, L Sullivan, M Tedder, P Tognetti, C Veen, G Wheeler, A Young, H Young, and E Borer (2023). Nothing lasts forever: dominant species decline under rapid environmental change in global grasslands. Journal of Ecology 111(11): 2472-2482. link.
Wang, X, H Xu, Q Ma, Y Luo, D He, NG Smith*, S Rossi, and L Chen (2023). Chilling and forcing proceed in parallel to regulate spring leaf unfolding in temperate trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32(11): 1914-1927. link.
Yang, H, W Tao, Q Ma, L Chen, H Dong, Y Yang, NG Smith (PE: 5), and L Chen (2023). Compound hot extremes exacerbate forest growth decline in dry areas but not humid areas in the Northen Hemisphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 341: 109663. link.
Qiao, Y, H Gu, H Xu, Q Ma, X Zhang, Q Yan, J Gao, Y Yang, S Rossi, NG Smith*, J Liu, and L Chen (2023). Accelerating effects of growing-season warming on tree seasonal activities are progressively disappearing. Current Biology 33(17): 3625-3633. link.
Waring, EF*, EA Perkowski*, and NG Smith* (2023). Soil nitrogen fertilization reduces relative leaf nitrogen allocation to photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 74(23): 5166-5180. link.
Daleo, P, J Alberti, E Chaneton, O Iribarne, P Tognetti, J Bakker, E Borer, M Bruschetti, A MacDougall, J Pascual, M Sankaran, E Seabloom, S Wang, S Bagchi, L Brudvig, J Catford, C Dickman, TL Dickson, I Donohue, N Eisenhauer, D Gruner, S Haider, A Jentsch, J Knops, Y Lekberg, R McCulley, J Moore, B Mortensen, T Ohlert, M Pärtel, P Peri, S Power, A Risch, C Rocca, NG Smith*, C Stevens, R Tamme, C Veen, P Wilfahrt, and Y Hautier (2023). Environmental heterogeneity modulates the effect of plant diversity on the spatial variability of grassland biomass. Nature Communications 14: 1809. link.
Yan, Z, J Sardans, J Peñuelas, M Detto, NG Smith*, H Wang, L Guo, AC Hughes, Z Guo, CKF Lee, L Liu, and J Wu (2023). Global patterns and drivers of leaf photosynthetic capacity: the relative importance of environmental factors and evolutionary history. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32(5): 668-682. link.
Liu, Y, JM Chen, L He, R Wang, NG Smith*, TF Keenan, C Rogers, W Li, J Leng (2023). Global photosynthetic capacity of C3 biomes retrieved from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment 287: 113457. link.
Ansley, JR, V Rivera-Monroy, K Griffiths-Kyle, B Hoagland, A Emert, T Fagin, SR Loss, HR McCarthy, NG Smith*, and EF Waring* (2023). Assessing impacts of climate change on selected foundation species and ecosystem services in the South-Central USA. Ecosphere 14(2): e4412. link.
Dong, N, IC Prentice, IJ Wright, H Wang, OA Atkin, KJ Bloomfield, TF Domingues, S Gleason, V Maire, Y Onoda, H Poorter, and NG Smith* (2022). Leaf nitrogen from the perspective of optimal plant function. Journal of Ecology 110(11): 2585-2602. link.
Dong, N, IJ Wright, JM Chen, X Luo, H Wang, TF Keenan, NG Smith*, and IC Prentice (2022). Rising CO2 and warming reduce global canopy demand for nitrogen. New Phytologist 235(5): 1692-1700. link.
Chen, JM, R Wang, Y Liu, L He, H Croft, X Luo, H Wang, NG Smith*, IC Prentice, Y Zhang, W Ju, and N Dong (2022). Global datasets of lea photosynthetic capacity for ecological and Earth system research. Earth System Science Data 14: 4077-4093. link.
Gu, H, Y Qiao, S Xi, S Rossi, NG Smith*, J Liu, and L Chen (2022). Warming-induced increase in carbon uptake is linked to earlier spring phenology in temperate and boreal forests. Nature Communications 13: 3698. link.
Kong, RS*, DA Way, HAL Henry, and NG Smith* (2022). Stomatal conductance, not biochemistry, drives low temperature acclimation of photosynthesis in Populus balsamifera regardless of nitrogen availability. Plant Biology 24(5): 766-779. link.
Tao W, K Mao, J He, NG Smith*, Y Qiao, J Guo, H Yang, W Wang, J Liu, and L Chen (2022). Daytime warming triggers tree growth decline in the Northern Hemisphere. Global Change Biology 28(16): 4832-4844. link.
Scott, HG* and NG Smith* (2022). A model of C4 photosynthetic acclimation based on least-cost optimality theory suitable for Earth System Model incorporation. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) 14(3): e2021MS002470. link.
Kyker-Snowman, E, DL Lombardozzi, GB Bonan, SJ Cheng, JS Dukes, SD Frey, EM Jacobs, R McNellis*, JM Rady, NG Smith*, RQ Thomas, WW Wieder, AS Grandy (2022). Increasing the spatial and temporal impact of ecological research: A roadmap for integrating a novel terrestrial process into an Earth system model. Global Change Biology 28(2): 665-684. link.
Wang, J, Z Xi, X He, S Chen, S Rossi, NG Smith*, J Liu, and L Chen (2021). Contrasting temporal variations in responses of leaf unfolding to daytime and nighttime warming. Global Change Biology 27(20): 5084-5093. link.
He, X, C Shanshan, J Wang, NG Smith*, S Rossi, H Yang, J Liu, and L Chen (2021). Delaying effect of humidity on leaf unfolding in Europe. Science of the Total Environment 800: 149563. link.
Luo, X, TF Keenan, JM Chen, H Croft, IC Prentice, NG Smith*, AP Walker, H Wang, C Xu, Y Zhang (2021). Global variation in the fraction of leaf nitrogen allocated to photosynthesis. Nature Communications 12: 4866. link.
Harrison, SP, W Cramer, O Franklin, IC Prentice, H Wang, Å Brännström, H de Boer, U Dieckmann, J Joshi, TF Keenan, A Lavergne, S Manzoni, G Mengoli, C Morfopoulos, J Peñuelas, S Pietsch, K Rebel, Y Ryu, NG Smith*, B Stocker, and IJ Wright (2021). Eco-evolutionary optimality as a means to improve vegetation and land-surface models. New Phytologist 23(6): 2125-2141. link.
Perkowski, EA*, EF Waring*, and NG Smith* (2021). Root mass carbon costs to acquire nitrogen are determined by nitrogen and light availability in two species with different nitrogen acquisition strategies. Journal of Experimental Botany 72(15): 5766-5776. link.
Bialic‐Murphy, L, NG Smith*, P Voothuluru, RM McElderry, MD Roche, ST Cassidy, SN Kivlin, S and Kalisz (2021). Invasion‐induced root–fungal disruptions alter plant water and nitrogen economies. Ecology Letters 24(6): 1145-1156. link.
Bell, A* and NG Smith* (2021). Soil salinity has species-specific effects on the growth and nutrient quality of four Texas grasses. Rangeland Ecology & Management 77: 39-45. link.
Liang, M, NG Smith*, J Chen, Y Wu, Z Guo, E Gornish, and C Liang (2021). Shifts in plant composition mediate grazing effects on carbon cycling in grasslands. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(3): 518-527. link.
Ely, KS, A Rogers, DA Agarwal, EA Ainsworth, L Albert, A Ali, J Anderson, MJ Aspinwall, C Bellasio, C Bernacchi, S Bonnage, TN Buckley, J Bunce, AC Burnett, FA Busch, A Cavanagh, LA Cernusak, R Crystal-Ornelas, J Damerow, KJ Davidson, MG De Kauwe, MC Dietze, TF Domingues, ME Dusenge, DS Ellsworth, JR Evans, PPG Gauthier, BO Gimenez, EP Gordon, CM Gough, AH Halbritter, DT Hanson, Mary Heskel, JA Hogan, JR Hupp, K Jardine, J Kattge, T Keenan, J Kromdijk, DP Kumarathunge, J Lamour, ADB Leakey, DS LeBauer, Q Li, MR Lundgren, N McDowell, K Meacham- Hensold, BE Medlyn, DJP Moore, R Negrón-Juárez, Ü Niinemets, CP Osborne, AL Pivovaroff, H Poorter, SC Reed, Y Ryu, A Sanz-Saez, SC Schmiege, SP Serbin, TD Sharkey, M Slot, NG Smith*, BV Sonawane, PF South, DC Souza, JR Stinziano, E Stuart-Haëntjens, SH Taylor, MD Tejera, J Uddling, V Vandvik, C Varadharajan, AP Walker, BJ Walker, JM Warren, DA Way, BT Wolfe, J Wu, SD Wullschleger, C Xu, Z Yan, and D Yang (2021). A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata. Ecological Informatics 61: 101232. link.
Ploughe, LW, NG Smith*, MJ Schuster, and JS Dukes (2021). Increased rainfall variability and nitrogen deposition accelerate succession along a common sere. Ecosphere 12(1): e03313. link.
Licht, J and NG Smith* (2021). Pyrogenic carbon improves the physiological performance of a C3 species planted on a green roof. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 67(1): 1-8. link.
Smith, NG* and TF Keenan (2020). Mechanisms underlying leaf photosynthetic acclimation to warming and elevated CO2 as inferred from least-cost optimality theory. Global Change Biology 26(9): 5202-5216. link.
Chen, L, H Hänninen, S Rossi, NG Smith*, S Pau, Z Liu, G Feng, J Gao, and J Liu (2020). Leaf senescence exhibits stronger climatic responses during warm than during cold autumns. Nature Climate Change 10: 777-780. link.
Smith, NG*, RE McNellis*, and JS Dukes (2020). No acclimation: Instantaneous responses to temperature maintain homeostatic photosynthetic rates under experimental warming across a precipitation gradient in Ulmus americana. Annals of Botany – Plants 12(4): plaa027. link.
Paillassa, J, IJ Wright, IC Prentice, S Pepin, NG Smith*, G Ethier, A Westerband, LJ Lamarque, H Wang, WK Cornwell, and V Maire (2020). When and where soil is important to modify the carbon and water economy of leaves. New Phytologist 228(1): 121-135. link.
Wang, H, OA Atkin, TF Keenan, NG Smith*, IJ Wright, K Bloomfield, J Kattge, PB Reich, and IC Prentice (2020). Acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal photosynthetic capacity. Global Change Biology 26(4): 2573-2583. link.
Stocker, BD, H Wang, NG Smith*, SP Harrison, TF Keenan, D Sandoval, T Davis, and IC Prentice (2020). P-model v1.0: An optimality-based light use efficiency model for simulating ecosystem gross primary production . Geoscientific Model Development 13: 1545- 1581. link.
Kattge, J and the TRY database team (including NG Smith*) (2020). TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26(1): 119-188. link.
Licht, J and NG Smith* (2020). Pyrogenic carbon increases pitch pine seedling growth, soil moisture retention and photosynthetic water use efficiency in the field . Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. link.
Liu, Z, L Chen, NG Smith*, W Yuan, X Chen, G Zhou, SA Alam, K Lin, T Zhao, P Zhou, C Chu, H Ma, and J Liu (2019). Global divergent responses of primary productivity to water, energy, and CO2 Environmental Research Letters 14(12): 124044. link.
Smith, NG*, G Li, and JS Dukes (2019). Short-term thermal acclimation of dark respiration is greater in non-photosynthetic than in photosynthetic tissues Annals of Botany - Plants 11(6): plz064. link.
Smith, NG*, TF Keenan, IC Prentice, H Wang, IJ Wright, Ü Niinemets, KY Crous, TF Domingues, R Guerrieri, FY Ishida, J Kattge, EL Kruger, V Maire, A Rogers, SP Serbin, L Tarvainnen, HF Togashi, PA Townsend, M Wang, LK Weerasinghe, S-X Zhou (2019). Global photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment. Ecology Letters 22(3): 506-517. doi: 10.1111/ele.13210. link.
Kumarathunge, DP, BE Medlyn, JE Drake, MG Tjoelker, MJ Aspinwall, M Battaglia, FJ Cano, KR CArter, MA Cavaleri, LA Cernusak, JQ Chambers, KY Crous, MG De Kauwe, DN Dillaway, E Dreyer, DS Ellsworth, O Ghounnoum, Q Han, K Hikosaka, AM Jensen, JWG Kelly, EL Kruger, LM Mercado, Y Onoda, PB Reich, A Rogers, M Slot, NG Smith*, L Tarvainnen, DT Tissue, HF Togashi, ES Tribuzy, J Uddling, A Varhammar, G Wallin, JM Warren, and DA Way. (2019). Acclimation and adaptation components of the temperature dependence of plant photosynthesis at the global scale. New Phytologist 222(2): 768-784. link.
Liang, M, J Chen, NG Smith*, X Bai, C Jia, Z Li, and C Liang (2019). Changes and regulations of net ecosystem CO2 exchange across temporal scales in the Alxa Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 164: 68-74. link.
Smith, NG*, and JS Dukes (2018). Drivers of leaf carbon exchange capacity across biomes at the continental scale. Ecology 9(7): 1610-1620. link.
Lombardozzi, DL, NG Smith*, SJ Cheng, JS Dukes, T Sharkey, A Rogers, RA Fisher, and GB Bonan (2018). Triose phosphate limitation in photosynthesis models reduces leaf photosynthesis and global terrestrial carbon storage. Environmental Research Letters 13(7). link.
Rodgers, VL, NG Smith*, SS Hoeppner, and JS Dukes (2018). Warming increases the sensitivity of seedling growth capacity to rainfall in six temperate deciduous species. Annals of Botany – Plants 10(1): ply003. link.
Licht, J, NG Smith* (2018). The influence of lignocellulosic and hemicellulosic biochar on photosynthesis and water use efficiency in seedlings from a Northeastern U.S. pine-oak ecosystem. Journal of Sustainable Forestry 37(1): 25-37. link.
Cheng, SJ, NG Smith*, and A Marklein (2018). Modeling global change ecology in a 400+ ppm world. Eos, 99. link.
Smith, NG* and JS Dukes (2017). LCE: Leaf carbon exchange dataset for tropical, temperate, and boreal species of North and Central America. Ecology 98(11): 2978. link.
Smith, NG* and JS Dukes (2017). Short-term acclimation to warmer temperatures increases leaf carbon exchange processes across plant types. Global Change Biology 23(11): 4840-4853. link.
Smith, NG* (2017). Plant respiration responses to elevated CO2: an overview from cellular processes to global impacts. In Plant Respiration: Metabolic Fluxes and Carbon Balance (Eds: G. Tcherkez and J. Ghashghaie. Pp. 69-87. New York: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. link.
Smith, NG*, DL Lombardozzi, A Tawfik, GB Bonan, and JS Dukes (2017). Biophysical consequences of photosynthetic temperature acclimation for climate. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES) 9(1): 536-547. link.
Li, G, Y Mu, Y Liu, NG Smith*, and S Sun (2017). Effect of microtopography on soil respiration in an alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Plant and Soil 421(1): 147-155. link.
Licht, J, NG Smith*, P Mitchell, and F Shields (2017). Impact of lignocellulosic and hemicellulosic biochar on soil moisture in low clay soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180(5): 576-584. link.
Smith, NG*, SL Malyshev, EN Shevliakova, J Kattge, and JS Dukes (2016). Foliar temperature acclimation reduces simulated carbon sensitivity to climate. Nature Climate Change 6(4): 407- 411. link.
Smith, NG*, MJ Schuster, and JS Dukes (2016). Rainfall variability and nitrogen addition synergistically reduce plant diversity in a restored tallgrass prairie. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(2): 579-586. link.
Smith, NG*, GP Pold, CE Goranson, and JS Dukes (2016). Characterizing the drivers of seedling leaf gas exchange responses to warming and altered precipitation: indirect and direct effects. AoB Plants 8: plw066. link.
Sanders-Demott, R, NG Smith*, PH Templer, and JS Dukes (2016). Towards an integrated understanding of terrestrial ecosystem feedbacks to climate change. New Phytologist, 209(4): 1363-1365. link.
Schuster, MJ, NG Smith*, and JS Dukes (2016). Responses of aboveground C and N pools to rainfall variability and nitrogen deposition are mediated by seasonal precipitation and plant community dynamics. Biogeochemistry 129(3): 389-400. link.
Lobardozzi, D, GB Bonan, NG Smith*, JS Dukes, and RA Fisher (2015). Temperature acclimation of photosynthesis and respiration: a key uncertainty in the carbon cycle-climate feedback. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(20): 8624-8631. link.
Atkin, OA and 62 others (including NG Smith*) (2015). Global variability in leaf respiration among plant functional types in relation to climate and leaf traits. New Phytologist, 206(2), 614- 636. link.
Smith, NG*, VL Rodgers, ER Brzostek, A Kulmatiski, ML Avolio, DL Hoover, SE Koerner, K Grant, A Jentsch, S Fatichi, and D Niyogi (2014). Towards a better integration of biological data from precipitation manipulation experiments into land surface models. Reviews of Geophysics, 52(3): 412-434. link.
Smith, NG* (2014). Testing for temperature acclimation of plant carbon exchange: a comment on “Global patterns of the responses of leaf-level photosynthesis and respiration in terrestrial plants to experimental warming”. Journal of Plant Ecology, 8(3): 333-334. link.
Smith, NG*, and JS Dukes (2013). Plant respiration and photosynthesis in global scale models: incorporating acclimation to temperature and CO2. Global Change Biology, 19(1), 45-63. link.